Friday, August 21, 2009
Déjà vu
I haven't found out whether it's always scary. I actually have a frightening childhood memories regarding Déjà vu. It popped up in my minds some times, cannot count up the frequency since it always comes out for 1-2 seconds only. It's such a scary, frightening, horrific feeling that I can be shocked for a sec then my heart pulse goes up damn fast for the next few secs. It's rather similar to the feeling of 'falling down from a high place" when you are going to bed, except it's not so scary.
At the age of 8 during midnight I was ever suddenly waken up from bed by a man's voice staying in my mind for more than half an hour. He sounded angry, kept ordering me to "go out" and repeating it many times. I was the only one at home hearing that voice. I just screamed and cried lolz but parents can do nothing surely. Though I wonder why that different frightening feeling cannot be forgotten and even come in me many times till today.
Few weeks back I felt it again when watching a video, then some times later watched it back and got deja vu again at the same time in the vid. I just realized that it is always triggered by a composition of voices which are difficult to describe, and if I heard the similar one, no matter what I am seeing, that unique frightening feeling is there and sometimes I am stuck for a while. Anyone got Déjà vu as well??? Share here ^^
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Ovi by Nokia comes with N97





Great promotion, and hopes it's not just merely a promo.
Looking at functionalities, its screen looks better than iPhone, especially in resolution, though personally I still give two thumbs up for SE X1. QWERTY keyboard, I thought, is just a choice. Some people like me hate touchscreen keyboard. Its memory is just a crazy surprise but please think twice, is it really needed? Seeing its memory, yes, iPhone's memory is really one of the main setbacks. For camera it's better than iPhone but not the best one, and obviously even 2-3 MP is already much more than enough for mobile phone, except you cannot use it.
Wondering why everyone calls it iPhone's Killer, let's see whether it will :)


Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sayangnya, setidaknya dari pemikiran pribadi saya, bila tidak berhati-hati, ini akan menjadi bumerang bagi matematika itu sendiri. Dari usia yang sangat dini seorang anak diajarkan kebenaran dari suatu soal dalam matematika. Bahkan seringkali, hanya kebenaran itu, ya, hanya benar atau tidaknya. Sebenarnya saya merasa dibujuk untuk kembali berpikir oleh tayangan di salah satu stasiun televisi swasta yang diadoptasi dari reality show Amerika. Saya mengatakan 'kembali berpikir', karena saya memang pernah memikirkannya saat SD, dan tidak mendapatkan jawabannya hanya mengganggap hal ini sangat sepele.
3x4 adalah 3+3+3+3 atau 4+4+4?
sebagian orang dengan cepat menjawab salah satu diantaranya. Apa pun jawaban yg benar, saya masih meragukan kebenaran tersebut.
Saya bertanya balik, atau katakanlah, bertanya kepada diri sendiri, 3x4 itu 3 kali 4 atau 3 dikali 4? Apakah A kali B berarti ada B sebanyak A kali, dan A dikalikan B berarti A dikalikan sebanyak B kali? Ataukah ada persepsi yang lebih baik (dan benar)? Bagaimana dengan A-B, apakah 'A kurang B' dan 'A dikurang B' itu sebenarnya sama?
Jika saya bertanya kepada orang-orang saya yakin sebagian dari mereka tidak akan menghiraukan saya, 'Penting gak sih?', 'Toh jawabannya juga sama!', 'Itu kan cuma masalah bahasa, verbal atau tertulis!'. Ya, karena pertanyaan ini tidak penting, dan memang tidak penting, saya pribadi tidak mengetahui jawabannya dan toh bisa lulus sampai SMA dengan nilai matematika yang tidak pas-pasan, namun salah kaprah terkadang bisa fatal.
Dari hal-hal yang luar biasa sepele ini orang menghiraukan pemahaman dari matematika itu sendiri. Kembali ke 'keindahan' matematika tadi, matematika itu ilmu pasti. Ya, jawabannya pasti, namun apakah matematika cuma terletak kepada jawabannya? Hal sepele dan tidak penting tadi timbul dalam diri kita sebagai suatu mindset dalam belajar matematika bahwa hasilnya harus benar, dan terkadang beberapa orang menilai, 'yang penting jawabannya benar'.
Terkadang bila disuruh mengecek kembali jawaban teman Anda, yang Anda lihat pertama kali hanya jawabannya. 'Kalau jawabannya bener, ya seharusnya semuanya bener'. Menurut saya dalam matematika, terlalu banyak hal yang dianggap sepele.
Di minggu2 terakhir SMA saya pernah berdebat dengan guru matematika saya. Saya tidak begitu mengingat angkanya tapi kurang lebih seperti yang digambarkan oleh fungsi y^2=x. Beliau membedakan y^2=x dan y=akar dari x. Saya langsung menyanggah bahwa seharusnya kedua fungsi tersebut sama dan ironisnya beberapa murid juga berpendapat demikian. Kembali ke kasus yang sangat sepele tadi, 'Toh jawabannya sama'. Namun sayangnya dalam kasus antara 2 fungsi tadi, bisa jadi jawabannya tidak sama.
Mungkin bagi yang masih kuliah dan masih fresh akan matematika bisa mengingat kesalahan dasar (dan kita selalu tau untuk menghindari hal ini) dimana f(x)/g(x) > 0, Anda diminta untuk mencari nilai x, dan kalikan kedua ruas kanan&kiri dengan g(x) adalah kesalahan yang sangat fatal. Saya pernah melakukan hal tersebut sewaktu SMP dan terkejut mengetahui ini salah. 'Koq salah, toh sama aja'. Sayangnya dalam kasus ini, jawabannya justru salah.
Saya yakin kesalahan ini tidak akan menjadi kesalahan umum seperti sekarang bila yang sepele-sepele tadi tidak dibuat sepele. Bukannya sok membesar-besarkan masalah, tapi semua sisi harus dipahami. Tidak ada istilah, 'Ah, itu kan cuma masalah pengucapan kali-dikali doank!' karena tidak ada batasan-batasan dalam matematika. Berbeda dengan ilmu lainnya dimana satu masalah bisa dibawa ngelantur ke hal-hal yang sangat sinkron. Dalam matematika semua sub-ilmu bisa dihubungkan secara langsung ke sub-ilmu lain, karena alasan tadi, matematika adalah ilmu pasti. Dibawa kemana pun tidak akan berubah. Jadi bukan hanya benar atau tidaknya jawaban dari suatu soal. Matematika itu ada prosesnya, tapi seringkali jalan/cara menuju jawaban biasanya dijadikan guru-guru sebagai 'bukti' bahwa mereka tidak menyontek. Saya terkadang ragu apakah semua guru melihat baris per baris cara2 tersebut.
Mungkin tidak perlu jauh-jauh membahas soal SMA yang rumit. Di universitas sekarang saja, saya hanya diberikan rumus oleh dosen. Proses menuju rumus tersebut adalah optional tergantung kesadaran si mahasiswa. Beberapa orang menilai bahwa mahasiswa memang harus dengan kesadaran tinggi mempelajari sendiri proses tersebut, namun saya sangsi bahwa si dosen melihat hal yang sama. Lagipula kenyataannya banyak mahasiswa hanya menghafalkan. Implikasi dari 'ke-ilmu-pasti-an' ini, terkadang saya menyimpulkan cara dan pemahaman berdasarkan jawaban yang diberikan. Saya tau ini memang sangat Gila.
Hal kedua dan terakhir yang ingin saya sampaikan mengenai matematika, jangan menggeneralisasikan matematika sebagai aplikasi dalam semua yang ada di hidup ini. Matematika bisa digunakan di berbagai aplikasi, tapi tidak semuanya. Matematika dengan sederhana menyatakan 1+1=2. Lantas mengapa di dalam ilmu fisika 1+1=1.999, atau repot-repot 2.001, atau lain sebagainya? Karena secara realistis, Anda akan kesulitan mendapatkan pengukuran tepat 2 centimeter. Katakanlah 1 jeruk + 1 jeruk = 2 jeruk. Itu adalah hal yang disampaikan oleh matematika secara sederhana. Namun di dalam realita, pedagang menjual jeruk berdasarkan beratnya, bukan kuantiti.
Yang saya maksud dengan jangan menggeneralisasikan matematika dalam segala hal kehidupan, adalah bahwa ada pengukuran-pengukuran tersendiri di dalam matematika itu. Tidak sesederhana matematika dimana 1+1=2, di dalam kenyataan masing2 angka 1 itu memiliki pengukuran tersendiri, 1 bisa jadi 0.9997, atau 1.002. Tidak semua hal bisa dijadikan sebuah persamaan, melainkan pertidaksamaan, dengan selisih yang kecil tentunya.
Mungkin dunia ini akan menjadi lebih baik bila orang tidak me-matematika-kan sesuatu dengan gampangnya. 'Saya sudah bermain 1 jam, sekarang saya mau belajar pula selama 1 jam'. Di lain sisi orang lain bermain selama satu setengah jam dan belajar hanya setengah jam, dan hasil nya ternyata sama. Anda pernah merasakan hal seperti ini? Tentunya karena ada pengukuran tersendiri di dalam setengah jam tersebut. Setengah jam bagi satu orang bisa jadi 2 jam bagi Anda? 'Saya mendapat nilai 100 dan dia 50.', atau 'Saya mendapatkan hasil pemungutan suara sebanyak 2 kali lipat hasil dia.' Apakah berarti Anda lebih baik 2 kali lipat dibanding orang lain?
Di dalam perusahaan, semakin lama jam lembur seorang karyawan maka gajinya akan semakin bertambah. Namun hal yang dia kerjakan selama 10 jam bernilai 2 jam, karena dia kelelahan, atau karena dia sibuk dengan urusan yang lain-lain. Bisa dilihat, sebagian besar atasan lebih memilih gaji per hari dibanding gaji per bulan. Bukan karena takut si karyawan bolos dan lantas mereka untung sehari, tapi si atasan mengharapkan gaji per hari ini lebih sesuai dengan pengukuran hasil mereka yang sebenarnya, bahkan beberapa bisnis memberi upah berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh. Mereka tidak mau melihat matematika bahwa karyawan bekerja 8 jam dan lantas menggaji selama 8 jam namun yang mereka hasilkan kurang lebih hanya 4 jam, misalnya.
Saya tidak mengatakan bahwa matematika itu tidak realistis. Matematika bukanlah ilmu yang dapat mengukur kerealistisan suatu permasalahan. Namun matematika dapat membantu Anda dalam hal tersebut. Sayangnya bila hanya matematika saja yang Anda gunakan di otak Anda, maka Anda tidak lagi realistis.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Bluetooth 3.0

The latest version of Bluetooth
Based off of the 802.11 protocol, Bluetooth 3.0 will increase transfer speeds from 3Mbps up to an impressive 23Mbps, according to Bluetooth supporters. The technology is based on Wi-Fi standards and offers power-saving benefits that weren't available with Bluetooth 2.1.
"Utilizing the 802.11 radio was a natural choice as it provides efficiencies for both our members and consumers -- members get more function out of the two radios they are already including in devices, and consumers with Bluetooth 3.0 HS products will get faster exchange of information without changing how they connect," Bluetooth SIG director Michael Foley said in a statement. "We are excited to expand the possibilities of the PAN."
During the announcement, Bluetooth 3.0 is expected to be used to help transfer large amounts of information between PCs and media devices, with wireless syncing available. Bluetooth has mainly been used by mobile phones, but the faster speeds should lead to Bluetooth adoption with more camcorders, TVs, Blu-ray players, cameras, and other consumer devices.
Even though Bluetooth 3.0 is out and about, many manufacturers are just now catching up to the Bluetooth 2.0 standard. Furthermore, no Bluetooth 3.0 devices are available on the consumer at the moment, and won't begin shipping until Q3 this year, if that early.
Tech journalists and analysts long-anticipated the launch of Bluetooth 3.0, and have high expectations of what it will be able to do in the future. Users will be able to transfer music library, DVDs, and photos all in a matter of seconds, a Bluetooth SIG statement said last week.
Foley said there could be a handful of Bluetooth 3.0 devices in time for the 2009 holiday shopping, but officials don't expect a significant amount of products until next year.
link source : here
Bluetooth 3.0 Transfer Speed Demo
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Interview with Anggun
Unfortunately I can't get any valid source from this blog.
credit: source link
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Shinjuku Incident

In cinemas 2 April 2009.
The second new fact is, he turns to be a bad person here, yeah extremely bad. It's all about crime. Stealing expensive items, doing tricks in his gaming center, selling fake phone cards & credit cards, and many many many more deceptions done to get money, power. You will see he kills several big bosses here for the sake of money, and maybe, love. Is to sleep with prostitutes considered a crime?? lol. He did many strange scene never done before in his career.





Saturday, April 4, 2009
Sacredly Agnezious

1. Godai Aku Lagi
Agnes' first own composed song. I listened to this song firstly around late July/early August '08 from radio. First impression was, 'what song is this?!#$%@ '. However later I found that the melody is so catchy and strong enough. I think the song might be better if the whole main background music was Pop-R&B instead of electro/disco/Hip-Hop, because this kind of music will not get into Indonesian music, at all, ever. I love the song more after the video was created. It's cool but the problem is, am I watching a few seconds of Rihanna here??
2. Janji Janji
Simply love it. The only song that reminds me of her previous album. The rests are new styles. I hope this will be the 4th single. Sadly this is rather disappointed that in this album there is no huge upbeat song like 'Bilang Saja' or 'Tak Ada Logika'.
3. Hanya Menunggu
Electro/HipHop genre which is now so popular in the US. Actually there are several genres in this song. I get bored in the middle. The ending gets interesting though. But, hey I hear 'baby boy' in the end, it's Beyonce's trademark, but okay whatever. Weakest upbeat song in this album, but not that bad.
4. Teruskanlah
3rd single. Its music video was released together with the album. I love the high pitch in the last reff. Nothing interesting actually.
5. Coz I Love You
Most beautiful , relaxing song in the album, in terms of music, lyric, and voice. She sang this so softly that the first verse reminds me of Sherina lol. I wish either this or 'Rapuh' will be the next ballad single. She composed the song together with Sandy, but I guess the main melody was done by Sandy.
6. A. G. N. E. Z
Interesting song. So much English used here. Although composed together with Yudis, I guess she wrote the whole lyric. I am wondering who a rapper featuring in this song is.
Album Launching (April 1, 2009)
7. Berlebihan
Another Sandy's composition, but somehow I get bored for first one minute. The rest is so nice. Maybe because I do not like jazzy song lol. Nothing special for me in this song except her vocal performance. As the title says, it's a six-minutes length song!!
8. Matahariku
Absolutely the best ballad, personally I think her best ballad ever as well as her best performance for any ballads. I wonder how come the label could not predict this song to be a huge hit. They did the video so instant. Although she appears beautifully, this song reserved much better quality video than that. Her vocal here is very dynamic. Sometimes I think it's too much. I don't know it's a good sign or bad, but for me it's perfect. I think she recorded this song many times, and the result is perfect, but she herself cannot sing this song live that dynamic. Love the intro, verse, chorus, interlude, and perfect ending. Just perfect. Surprise!! The composer is a new comer in the industry...
9. Shake It Off
Bali!!!! Yeah I imagined Balinese culture everytime listening to this song, makes me want to go there one day T_T. Sang (no, lipsync actually) first time in October'08 Asia Song Festival in South Korea, she showed another self-composed song by her. Maybe a new innovation. She mentioned it's a mix of many genres. For me, Erwin Gutawa's arrangement affects it more pop than should be, although his arrangement is extremely great. The music sounds using many traditional instruments. First part of the lyric is Indonesian, followed by English in the rest. I wish this is the 4th single, but because of too many English used, I doubt it will. My only problem is, what is the meaning/message of this song???
Asia Song Festival (Oct'08)
10. Rapuh
As predicted. this song is so great. No one wondering if they know the composer is Badai 'Kerispatih'.
There are another 3 songs for intro-interlude-outro.
As conclusion, does the album worth 3 years ++ of anticipation?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
(don't) let him rest in peace
Today's univ biweekly newspapers are coming out and one article, a bit represents all nationalities except Indonesian, is all pointing to us, his friends for sensationalize the news, creating out the whole speculations, telling different persons different stories. Are we wrong?? The main point now is, back 3-4 weeks before, the whole world was suddenly staring at us, at a friend of yours, who was reported to stab his prof and jumped. Get the point?? At the first few hours right after the incident, even the victim's friend posted in facebook how shocked he is, "never imagine a friend you see everyday can do that". See that? Everyone wants to sit down, and pray for him, wait for any news and not speculate.
The first day passed with shocks, and unexpectedly some persons started speculating and continuing the buzz. All people may see them all crazy. Then after several days, local media rectified their previous statements that he actually did NOT jump. How come they put wrong statements? People are questioning. Why did you put any judgments before even a single proof? Well no one can remake the buzz again so that everyone again look at you and you can say, 'hey the news was wrong!!'. What done is done. Then the questions will come, if it is not the media who is wrong, then who? Did you get the source from someone? Then who is he? I will never let the lier guy rest in peace . . .
Imagine this happened to your friends, people may not point at a name, but they will say, how can a Singaporean, how can a Indonesian, how can that nationality. . . and you got no reaction?? Are you saying, 'well, let those stupid people say anything about this case, let what has done done, let us now let our beloved friend rest in peace' . . .Be realistic man!!!
I got mad with someone said 'they sensationalize', hey who's started?! At least those people did not mention that they were right, even if they intentionally put fake things, it's forum, it's blog, but it's the media who spread the fake news, yeah they are the FIRST!
Lastly, think logically, the stabbed was getting well very soon and surely at that time all people were waiting for confirmations, but he disappeared??? If you want to take just a few seconds to think - which is the most difficult activity people would do, makes them lazy to think - , you will realize that you will be extremely wondering if the people around will still keep quiet and do nothing for one month. I know that I know nothing at all for this, but guys, if you know nothing, never bother of persons spread the things on the Internet, at least, they know better than you ><
edited: i just realized this very contradictory with what I post before but ya i change my mind after the gov, police, media, have not yet cooperated with this case well
Monday, March 2, 2009
A Feeling of Regret
It's my happy high school time where the whole class made a joke everyday. There's a quite shocking news from a well-known university in US. Yeah u all must know that, what else can make a university headline in all news around the world other than that. Simply the class made a joke about that without me as an exception. People will make a joke of something far from them or they never think can happen around them.
Yeah that's what I felt during that time.
As u know what I'm going to say. The same thing surprisingly happened here, the place where I studied. I even cannot think what will happen to students waiting for their entrance tests right now, what the people around here will perceive me, as the same nationality as him, don't know whether it's important ~ but same race as well. I felt regret that I ever made a joke of that during high school and now I know that I should not do that lolz~~~~~
Yeah can feel the mourning atmosphere here. Half of my facebook status filled with condolences, sympathy, etc etc.
A group of students from senior high school were joking about that ~like what I did during high school lolzzzz~ from some time till someone stopped them.
In a huge forum, someone -admitted to be the suspect's friend during high school- post it and less than 3 hours it immediately became the hottest post. It's not wrong to post a huge buzz as information to be spread among but to put his own opinion~speculation is crazy, even the media haven't put any confirmation about that and he far away proudly told the speculation. Even the suspect's friends here stayed calm.
I can say he's proud of the news and I ever felt the same, when a buzz comes near me at that time I felt a bit spirited to spread the news everywhere-whatever the news is-, you may not feel it but there's a feeling of proud, happy that you know better than others, proud that you are closer with him compared to persons asking you.
Out of topic, maybe this is the hundredth or thousandth times I felt disturbed by Facebook. It's not like what I ever post (for this case only, actually I still do), a group of stupid and extremely idle people make a bunch of comments day by day for only a single photo. It's almost one week already and everyday I open my Facebook there's 20s-50s announcements and all from the same photo. Even I don't know what the picture is about. Now I will NEVER know if someone comments in my OWN photos, because of the bitches doing not important think and the whole things in my announcement full with those bitches. I swear if not because all my friends joined FB I will never get back to that site.
Whoever the suspect is, I felt really sorry for him. Although I don't know who he is, I hope he's not absolutely wrong but yeah the truth should come out.
And I'm glad the victim is getting well.
Lastly for president of the univ, he's so great not to make everyone panic and every activity is held as usual as if nothings happen. His mass email is the best choice he could do as the president.
Your best friend can be your worst enemy.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
What's up with Valentine???
Actually this corresponds with a blog with one of my friends also today (dont be angry with me lol ~~). I do not know whether it's just me who is too less romantic, or some people look too much upon this v-day, but I feel so.
Everyone must agree that it's a special day, for once a year. Because every couple showed their love relationship without a shy since it's a special day for them, those who are single might envy them. Sometimes I feel some teenagers view this day too far ~or again, maybe it's just me who is too ~dont-care-wtf-it-is~ (can someone tell me??lol).
That everyone realizes what day it is, I sometimes feel that it's not that romantic. If you want to express your true feeling to your beloved one, then -let's say a girl- she might already know that you will do it in v-day. It's very normal but I just feel it's not surprised anymore, not so special anymore to do it in v-day, but unlike me, many people still feel the same thing year by year. If you do sth special for someone, then she ~again just IMO~ wont feel to be the happiest girl in the world at that time, as millions of people in the world feel the same or maybe much more than it. I'd probably do it in his bday or any special day never be thought of her.
I never feel controlled by those special days. I wouldn't mind sleeping on the new year countdown -although never did that :) -, wouldn't mind just staying at home not collecting angpau in front of tv from morning to morning again in chinese new year -although almost never did that :) -, wouldn't be burdened of being single and get/give nothing whenever valentine comes.
Just never get the point why a girl may sit sadly -'mourning'- in her room when she has no bf in vday, so do some boys. Is it just me who is too crazy for not feeling the same way?? I need someone advices right now T_T
Ouch, I'm going to sleep ~~~~~~~~
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I don't feel it's important anymore to ask my uncle what happened next.
Friday, January 23, 2009
If I said President is might be the toughest job, then politic may be the toughest field. Even to be a lawyer is tough. When one just graduated from university he will have to compete with others in that field, and there is no senior or junior there. All fields have about the same difficulties to succeed in - given you have a distinctive level of ability in it- but I found many lawyers not recommending their children to be lawyers. People want their children to be doctors, pilots, engineers, scientist, professor, artists, etc - do not consider any kinds of negative professions thiefs etc etc here :) - but not with politicians. It's a special field, it's all about culture, society, and power. When you want to be an engineer, pilot, artists, it's all about how much money you have to spend in (studying, establishing first career), your interests, your ability, your connections with other people, your level of intelligence + hardworking, your working experiences, but politics has more requirements for you to get in, again, depends on the culture.
When it's in America while black and white still exist as a matter, black people suffer in politics, when it's in Indonesia while chinese or native still exist as a matter, waiting for a chinese descendant to be a President is more or less the same like waiting for an Obama to be a US President. When it's in Singapore where chinese or indians or malays does not matter, then it will be different again. No other field has the same situation as this.
Back to topic.
I said it's tough not only because President is the most recognized people, or has the most power, but more than that. When Oprah strongly says an A in society, then it will likely that A will happen then. Everybody will listen everything she does - although not always follow her. However when it comes to President the situation is different.
When Michael Jackson decided to move to other religion and even changed his name people may love him more or even curse him, when Madonna believes in one religion many people disagree with many people will curse her, when Zidane did something huge in World Cup watched by billion people then it's became a huge deadline in media, but for President it's different.
People may chase for celebrities but people have different celebrities to deal with. When they feel tired of Amy Winehouse buzz they will no longer even want to know about it, but when it comes for President, everyone will look at you, no matter they like you or not, no matter what you are doing, good or bad.
When a prominent person in earth died it may be because of a crazy fan or a huge hater but once he deals with politics, the situation will be much different. There are still many rumours of the death of Princess Diana although it's a long long case. After decades, there are still rumours of the death of Marilyn Monroe. Although it's told about suicide, but rumous said her affairs with a much well-known politician contributed in her death. Many people wonder about how long a US President will live - already many cases in it.
Back talking about culture, when it's in Indonesia where many people are less educated, they will not understand what actions a Presidens do. When it's tougher for them - where most likely happens - then they will complain, even when you are right, but it's most likely you are false, no matter. When Indonesia's SBY increased fuel price as high as many people did not predict before, hundred millions people complained without knowing why he did so, but they know that it is not good for them. Then when he lowered fuel price only a bit, people will again complained. This happened when General Election was about to come but he has no other choice. Even this fuel price case will be difficult for him to be elected this year. As long as the decision is tough for society, they will not choose you and it's the nature of Indonesia as they are no longer believe in government and that's what every Indonesian President has to face. The challenge is how to change this society nature. How to make people believe in you.
Still looking at Indonesia - and culture, it is very unique and even extremely too unique to govern. No other countries as high populated as hundred millions people separated in about 10 main islands located too far each another, with extremely too many culture and norms to deal with, not to include it as one to have most natural disasters. It's already a common saying that Indonesia still exists in its common form (although losing Timor Leste) is much much a great miracle. US 50s states are connected each another but Japan's are not, but Indonesia is too large and its islands are separated too far away. To build a Singapore like what it is now is a proud of Lee Kuan Yew but if Indonesia is already what people hope must be a proud of dozens people. Even if we do not consider the natural disasters - it's not sure whether other Presidents around the world can govern it better. Corruptions everywhere for decades still has to be included as one part to deal with.
Now it faces difficulties. Society already considered goverment as rubbish. Almost every actions taken caused demonstrations. Java island as the most populated one may have more or less the same culture in general, but they have to consider others like Sumatra Kalimantan Sulawesi. When they take actions about pornography - something related to culture, it may be good for those main islands but people against it and protest that the action is not good for Bali and Papua. When they have to focus on too many problems in its capital Jakarta - floods traffic - other provinces like Aceh or Papua urged for their independence but they -and most people- hope Timor Leste is the last one to do so. It has an excellent side of tourism but has to deal with the terrorism issue. When everythings are likely to be settled fine in the place where it should be, then a huge tsunami take away thousands of people. It's not a joke but the President is still the person most likely to be pointing at even about the natural disasters. Purely natural disasters.
I'm talking too much about Indonesia but that's only what I know =D
Saturday, January 17, 2009
In short, I shared about how I can get here, to tertiary education. I'm always thinking it's full of lucks. It's like a process and if that process is cut down into many events happened sequentially, and if every events have many possible choices I would go through, then at that time, I passed every events with the best possible choices. So if the events are multiple choices questions, then I score everything perfectly. If there is only one wrong answer, then the result will be much different. That's how I call it full of lucks.
Right after graduating from junior high school I had no choices but followed my parents advice to take an extra course of A' level for preparing to get into the university I may choose. Shortly, I had an intense training for full 3 years, both A' level specially Maths even with more than one teachers, plus a number of experience I got from a small Maths competition in schools with my friends. So I practiced that at both school and home and my life looks like full of Maths for that 3 years and in addition, I never myself gave a break for an English extra course. So Maths and English were to run concurrently and continuously.
Well now after the intro, in the end of semester 5 (last 2 sem) in my senior high I applied to the university. One for it, one specially for scholarship, and one for other university. And as I feared to happen, because of my just-fine grades during senior high I was rejected by the 2 but still waiting for the former one. The bad thing was that the rejection was a rejection for me to join the test. Even I could not join the test. That's fine because I knew the reason, already very clear, no doubt at all, because of my grades. Then comes the result for the former one. But wait these are the first lucks.
Briefly, I am in a small town so for years the entrance test was always conducted outside, so we have to compete with other students from other cities even to join the test. Because of any understandable reason ~ cause it'll be too long the test was conducted in my town (I thought it's city =p ). And this absolutely will be helpful so much for me that I had a bad score. How luck it is that even the bacth after me did not get that opportunity, which is, they will surely decreased the requirements because they could accept more people for having test. I never thought that even I could not take this advantage, I wasn't accepted even for test. I want to say but don't know to whom, why I cannot even try my best first to know that this is really not my fate, not to be my future, not my capabilities, not this not that. I can do nothing but just to support my friends. Only 6 persons including me not approved.
A few days after my instructor kindly recommended me back to the university for the hope of joining the test. After a full of hope waiting for it it's already a luck for me for having approved, together with one friend, even my cousin with grades much much greater than me didn't, while I'm still wondering till now what's the mysteries behind it.
Quickly to the entrance test, again by luck but for this time I was very sure I put whole my efforts in it such that I could do every questions without any one doubt. Although no one knows the score but I could put the lowest boundary of it. After the English test, then comes the Physics test. With that not too difficult question, I never imagined that I could not even score any 1 mark in it. I'm till now half sure that I got zero mark or may be a small bit higher. I thought myself if I were them, how come I approved a student into an engineering course with zero mark of its Physics although good mark in Maths. During the waiting-for-result period I did not blame myself and satisfied with all happen so far but never imagined that extremely bad Physics test. Even I finally find one other kind of scholarship but I could not apply because of its technical requirement.
And as you know -but no one knows the real reason- I was accepted. Even with no scholarship but it's my first choice course. I believe one of the main reason was the first choice of the courses. Without exaggerated, if the first choice was not Computer Science ~ an engineering course but no Physics in it~ then I had not been here right now, typing a blog with a full of spirit to know what's going on tomorrow in my class. I remembered months before I joined an IQ test but the result was so strange for me and didn't help so much for me in choosing courses. And till the end I had to make a final decision. That's around 0320 pm on my bed in my room, in front of a paper written 7 courses I had to cut down to 5 and sort it 1st to 5th. With a head full of uncertainties the arrangement was such that the 1st course is Computer Science and other 4 are 'real' engineering courses. From young till now I still want Architecture but if the university had that course I'm not sure the final result will be the same.
The last thing was about application system. In my batch they offered 3 choices whether we woud like to apply for scholarship only, or scholarship but loan is fine, or full tuition is fine. We suggested it's three levels - high to down- the mark we have to get, if we chose the first one then we had to ensure that we had an excellent mark. I chose the middle one and I would not think they will approve me if I chose the first one and as the result, I got no scholarship but loan, that's another luck.
During first year here and looked back to the past, compared to the present, looked to my other friends around the world, I'm so granted by GOD for having a course I enjoyed so much with a lot of nice friends I hoped I got and I did and a room I enjoyed as well, I thanks Him so much for what he arranged for me. The more I enjoy my life here the more blessed I think He gave me. And because of this I never complained anythings - to myself or Him or parents - when I got any difficulties. I'm already given such a nice set and I just thought what I should do tomorrow to solve every problems and try not to stress myself, because this is a gift from Him.
About 5-10 minutes saying about this, one of friends responded that I'm looking down much to myself. I agree with him and will have to change that nature but for this journey I will still -and always- regard it as a road full of lucks because I know everything happens at that time would not come without lucks and blessings from Him.