Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Life is . . .

Life is not a process of searching, but a process of creating.

When you know why you have to live,
it's not like you have found the reason for being alive,
instead you have successfully created your own purpose of living.

When you get the answer whether choosing a religion or not and if you do, which one you choose,
it's not like you have found the best religion (or found nothing good for you),
instead you have successfully created your own goal of life and the things want to believe in before choosing it.

When you get an excellent reputation in school or office,
it's not like you have found the correct answers of the questions or the solutions of that problems to be achieved,
instead you have successfully created your own spirit in yourself, and created an effective and innovative thinking producing intelligence supported by that spirit which builds your confidence.

When you finally know your true love is,
it's not like you have successfully ended your searching for true love,
instead you have (aware or not) created that love inside your heart after knowing all her personality and character.
If you have known her whole personalities and characters but you can only accept half of it,
or if you can accept all but that 'all' is actually not the whole thing yet,
you create only half of your true love and it's like a broken heart.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Top 3 Web Sites

Living in a small but lovely place far from mall shopping center etc etc outside, without televisions inside room, stuck me in front of fast internet connection. Hmm, it's not so fast, but it's really fast enough for chatting, browsing, or even gaming, but for downloading, you must have a lot of patience while downloading a movie or music album. This reminds me of being aware of piracy, haha...

Then internet is the only easiest and most accessible media for my entertainment. And these are some websites I will surely visit everyday, at least twice per day. I want to post more but am right now too sleepy to put more. I wish I can do it next time ^^ I will just put the top three first.

I'm not a programmer or computer developer, these are some of my personal comments on each sites. Why need it? I visit it hundred times and may have my time on each accumulated hundred hours, so I hope you guys can really make your choice whether to waste your time on unimportant things. These are very personal comments so don't be angry if you are a lover of that website, because so am I ^^

1. Gmail

That is today's new homepage of GMail.com
Gmail is simply a mail service website like other familiar websites like Yahoo! or Hotmail.
The first time I create an account on gmail is for moving my groups' emails into this.
It supports something like cascading mails, if an email from a friend in that group is replied by other group members then there will be like (2) sign after the title of the message. In short it is a bit similar to forums, and hence you can regard each message in your inbox as one thread.

If I use it in other mailing websites, each postings is considered as one message and when you read the message replying previous message you might have to search for it again, scroll it down and try to remember what it mentions before scrolling up and getting the meaning and replying it. It does help me so much =D

One thing a bit annoying is

this page. It's loading page which sometimes takes only 1 - 2 seconds but most times it takes more than 5 seconds !! And sometimes when my internet gets into trouble I even cannot open it. I think they should not have that loading page except gmail loads too many things, which I think might be the reason.

Other thing is the thread one. One thread contains a maximum of 100 messages. I hope it can support more.

And the good thing is that there is no navigation page (to other page) once you reply a message. You will immediately get your message below the message you reply. The other one is about the time duration, the system will automatically and continuously (and smoothly) updates the time duration of all messages from now, for example, posted 1 minutes ago, 10 minutes ago, 1 hour 1 day ago ago etc etc.

And I like it as there is almost no (or really no??) advertisements in it. Simple and not wasting time.

2. Facebook

Number 1 social networking sites right now in terms of users.

I get through Friendster for years before trying Facebook while searching for something new.

My impression at first is, hmm, well, maybe I have to get familiar with it, then second time, I try this thing, hmm ok2 I get it, second day, a week after, I may get addiction a bit, a month after, and so on until now, and I do not need to think twice that this is simply
the WORST social networking site that is much populated.

Many friends got into it and I tried. From the first I thing it's me who is fool enough for getting confused of good features in it. Yeah it does really have many good features, but those really enforce me to stay with it for such a long time, and unfortunately it serves too many unimportant things.

Sorry to say that it is really bad both technically and socially. Ya I really feel the bad impact of it, some of you may think I'm somehow get it wrong but I does not like it from the first and now I admit that I'm not wrong.

Let's see one by one

Why do Facebook really bother of others status?
It's the page you see after login and it's the HOME page.
You will see many information inside those NewsFeed tab.
It's something like My Network Activity in Friendster, but here is better, it provides more detail information and sort it by latest time.

Then as I see that page everyday for hundred times I start to realize how bad it is. You will see the sophisticated things inside NewsFeed but once scoll down, it's really like a huge can of garbage.
There are too many things inside,
information of your friends changing status,
adding new videos or pictures,
adding new notes,
x number of your friends are tag in an album or a video,
one of your friend commented on other friends' videos or photos or notes or changing status or walls or whatever comments you needn't know,
your friends are now friends with xxx through ..... ,
even there are advertisements!!!

Why I say garbage? Facebook does not need an expert to see how it seems a garbage, you can see clearly how not important those information are.
Well, your friends change their status, then what do you need to know? They are your friends but how if you have 500 friends, 1000 friends? In one time it attracts you to add more friends (what I say "your friends are now friends with ..." but at the same time you will get a bunch of information of that one new friend each time he/she add a photo or get comments etc etc etc etc. Whereas you might not be so close with that new friend.

There is some tab "Status Updates" but still, in this NewsFeed, they combine the whole things and the result is that garbage..
The same as this announcements, it is labeled RED to force me to click on it to see some important and some rubish information and click it once more to close it. And this happens each time I login to facebook.
In top right corner there are a box similar to this but contains some different and some the same information. It's even worse, I have to click on it and navigate to other page and am enforced to read all of information, whether accept friend request (this is important), accept application, accept (whatever) from (whoever friends) of (whatever) applications <-- this one is the worst thing of Facebook. If I ignore it, the things will accumulate and I cannot get rid of it. Again, I have to do this each time login to facebook. At least 10 seconds gone only for things I do not want to. And as I use this many times per day, those annoying 10 seconds are really terrified. Same thing happens when you see your PROFILE, inside your WALL you will again see the rubish. And one of them is...
yeah, I really call it rubish.. And my PROFILE page is really a garbage full of rubish.

That is FRIENDS page and they sort it by default in STATUS UPDATES and I have to click on EVERYONE to see all my friend. I do not know why I get so annoyed to many things but, they sort FRIENDS by last name, and for me, personally, this is really annoying. I see my friends' name by first name, then middle, then last, but they sort it by last name.

Next is about the application..
That box is put on the top rows because it is the main difference of Facebook from others. Yeah it does have many good applications, from games to other applications :)
I like that some applications do not need to navigate each time you click something (like browser gaming does), so it is fast enough, although it need a long time for loading, but when you get into you will play freely without any disturbance or any unnecessary waiting.

However some applications are really disturbing like this

If I'm a beginner, I will surely be shocked by a number of strange buttons, and the bad thing is, the BIGGEST button and the most apparent one is NEXT (in this one example) and you will need long time to notice that it is an ADVERTISEMENT!! How come there is an advertisement in the middle of the box of one application?

Sometimes I'm thinking, they want me to get into that application but they OFFER me other applications, so what they want me to do?

In that example there is chat room provided by meebo..

Wow, I cannot imagine how many of advertisements I have seen after I log out. Don't forget that there are still a bunch of other advertisements inside each applications.

Other things..
When you post a comment, it needs very much less time compared to others, hmm, like friendster for example. And, err, I think still much faster than Gmail.

You can also chat through Facebook. I think that's a really wonderful idea..

You can know ANY things your friends just done, but you cannot know ANY things about other people not yet your friends, except only one photo and several main information. Each time I want to know whether that one is my friend or not, I have to judge by its photo and very limited information, or I have to add him first regardless my friend or not. And each time facing this I always reminded of leaving facebook, although there are many good features it has.

Other than applications, Facebook is really fast in navigating through one page to another page.

3. Friendster

Number is very sensitive to human eyes (according to my thought lol) and for having no numbers in it, I do not feel annoyed by those NEW bulletins or apps. I leave them each time I see that (except birthdays and messages) and if it keeps accumulating it does not matter at all.

Compared to facebook that has numbers, you will think of decreasing the number, feeling a bit guilty for leaving it accumulating, but you already know that you really do not need that things.

Again, sorry for comparing, the difference between Facebook and Friendster.
But in this case I prefer Facebook lol
This features make me think many times before browsing to special friends (either enemies or not known people etc).

When I clicked My Profile I can see the HOME page of mine which I can edited myself.
When I put my cursor on it there will be other options, and one feature I like is : Blogs !!
If I do not want to play any applications, I will NEVER click MyApps tab there except I want to.
In MyTools options there, hmm, I think Facebook is much more complete !

Facebook makes me want to get rid of NewsFeed but Friendster does not attract me at all to see its MyNetworkActivity feature. Both have their own uniqueness but I choose Friendster's MyNetworkActivity.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Chatting with HIM

Just going to close my firefox and sleep, and almost close this one also =D
but I found this is worth to read so I copy this down

TUHAN : Kamu memanggilKu ?

AKU: Memanggilmu? Tidak.. Ini siapa ya?

TUHAN : Ini TUHAN. Aku mendengar doamu. Jadi Aku ingin berbincang-bincang

AKU: Ya, saya memang sering berdoa, hanya agar saya merasa lebih baik. Tapi
sekarang saya sedang sibuk, sangat sibuk.

TUHAN : Sedang sibuk apa? Semut juga sibuk.

AKU: Nggak tau ya. Yang pasti saya tidak punya waktu luang sedikitpun.Hidup
jadi seperti diburu-buru. Setiap waktu telah menjadi waktu sibuk.

TUHAN : Benar sekali. Aktifitas memberimu kesibukan. Tapi Produktifitas
memberimu hasil. Aktifitas memakan waktu, Produktifitas membebaskan waktu.

AKU: Saya mengerti itu. Tapi saya tetap tidak dapat menghidarinya.
Sebenarnya, saya tidak mengharapkan Tuhan mengajakku chatting seperti ini.

TUHAN : Aku ingin memecahkan masalahmu dengan waktu, dengan memberimu
beberapa petunjuk. Di era internet ini, Aku ingin menggunakan medium yang
lebih nyaman untukmu daripada mimpi, misalnya.

AKU: OKE, sekarang beritahu saya, mengapa hidup jadi begitu rumit?

TUHAN : Berhentilah menganalisa hidup. Jalani saja. Analisa-lah yang
membuatnya jadi rumit.

AKU: Kalau begitu mengapa kami manusia tidak pernah merasa senang?

TUHAN : Hari ini adalah hari esok yang kamu khawatirkan kemarin. Kamu merasa
khawatir karena kamu menganalisa. Merasa khawatir menjadi kebiasaanmu.
Karena itulah kamu tidak pernah merasa senang.

AKU: Tapi bagaimana mungkin kita tidak khawatir jika ada begitu banyak

TUHAN : Ketidakpastian itu tidak bisa dihindari. Tapi kekhawatiran adalah
sebuah pilihan.

AKU: Tapi, begitu banyak rasa sakit karena ketidakpastian.

TUHAN : Rasa Sakit tidak bisa dihindari, tetapi Penderitaan adalah sebuah

AKU: Jika Penderitaan itu pilihan, mengapa orang baik selalu menderita?

TUHAN : Intan tidak dapat diasah tanpa gesekan. Emas tidak dapat dimurnikan
tanpa api. Orang baik melewati rintangan, tanpa menderita. Dengan pengalaman
itu, hidup mereka menjadi lebih baik bukan sebaliknya.

AKU: Maksudnya pengalaman pahit itu berguna?

TUHAN : Ya. Dari segala sisi, pengalaman adalah guru yang keras. Guru
pengalaman memberi ujian dulu, baru pemahamannya.

AKU: Tetapi, mengapa kami harus melalui semua ujian itu? Mengapa kami tidak
dapat hidup bebas dari masalah?

TUHAN : Masalah adalah Rintangan yang ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kekuatan
mental (Purposeful Roadblocks Offering Beneficial Lessons (to)Enhance Mental
Strength). Kekuatan dari dalam diri bisa keluar dari perjuangan dan
rintangan, bukan dari berleha-leha.

AKU: Sejujurnya ditengah segala persoalan ini, kami tidak tahu kemana harus

TUHAN : Jika kamu melihat keluar, maka kamu tidak akan tahu kemana kamu
melangkah. Lihatlah ke dalam. Melihat keluar, kamu bermimpi. Melihat ke
dalam, kamu terjaga. Mata memberimu penglihatan. Hati memberimu arah.

AKU: Kadang-kadang ketidakberhasilan membuatku menderita. Apa yang dapat
saya lakukan?

TUHAN : Keberhasilan adalah ukuran yang dibuat oleh orang lain. Kepuasan
adalah ukuran yang dibuat olehmu sendiri. Mengetahui tujuan perjalanan akan
terasa lebih memuaskan daripada mengetahui bahwa kau sedang berjalan.
Bekerjalah dengan kompas, biarkan orang lain bekejaran dengan waktu.

AKU: Di dalam saat-saat sulit, bagaimana saya bisa tetap termotivasi?

TUHAN : Selalulah melihat sudah berapa jauh saya berjalan, daripada masih
berapa jauh saya harus berjalan. Selalu hitung yang harus kau syukuri,jangan
hitung apa yang tidak kau peroleh.

AKU: Apa yang menarik dari manusia?

TUHAN : Jika menderita, mereka bertanya "Mengapa harus aku?". Jika mereka
bahagia, tidak ada yang pernah bertanya "Mengapa harus aku?".

AKU: Kadangkala saya bertanya, siapa saya, mengapa saya disini?

TUHAN : Jangan mencari siapa kamu, tapi tentukanlah ingin menjadi apa kamu.
Berhentilah mencari mengapa saya di sini. Ciptakan tujuan itu. Hidup
bukanlah proses pencarian, tapi sebuah proses penciptaan.

AKU: Bagaimana saya bisa mendapat yang terbaik dalam hidup ini?

TUHAN : Hadapilah masa lalu-mu tanpa penyesalan. Peganglah saat ini dengan
keyakinan. Siapkan masa depan tanpa rasa takut.

AKU: Pertanyaan terakhir. Seringkali saya merasa doa-doaku tidak dijawab.

TUHAN : Tidak ada doa yang tidak dijawab. Seringkali jawabannya adalah

AKU: Terima Kasih Tuhan atas chatting yang indah ini.

TUHAN : Oke. Teguhlah dalam iman, dan buanglah rasa takut. Hidup adalah
misteri untuk dipecahkan, bukan masalah untuk diselesaikan. Percayalah
padaKu. Hidup itu indah jika kamu tahu cara untuk hidup.

TUHAN has signed out.

The translation, sorry for my english :(

GOD : Did you call me?

ME : No, who is this?

GOD : This is GOD. I heard your prayer. So I want to chat with you.

ME : Ya, I often pray, only for feeling better. But I am busy now, very busy.

GOD : What are you busy at? Ants are also busy.

ME : Do not know. But I have no free time at all. My life is like in a hurry. Always busy at any time.

GOD : You’re right. Activities make you busy. But productivity gives you the results. Activities spend time, but productivity release time.

ME : I know, but I still cannot avoid that. Actually, I do not expect you to chat with me like this.

GOD : I want to solve your problems with time, by giving you some hints. In this era of internet, I want to use a more convenient medium for you rather than, for example, through a dream.

ME : Ok, now tell me why life is so complex?

GOD : Stop analysing life. Just let life goes on. Analysing is why your life becomes more complex.

ME : Then do why we, the human, never feel happy?

GOD : Today is tomorrow which you worried about yesterday. You feel worried because you analyse. Feeling worried is your habit. That’s why you never feel happy.

ME : But how can we feel no worry if there are so many uncertainties?

GOD : Uncertainties can be avoided, but concerns is a choice.

ME : But there is too much pain because of uncertainties.

GOD : Pain cannot be avoided, but agony is a choice.

ME : If agony is a choice, why is pleasant one always suffering?

GOD : Diamond cannot be sharpened without friction. Gold cannot be purified without fire. A kind-hearted person goes through holdbacks without suffering. By those experiences, his life is much better.

ME : What do you mean by bad experience is useful?

GOD : Ya. From every side, experience is the strictest teacher. Experience gives tests firstly, then the understanding.

ME : But why do we have to go through those tests? Why can’t we live free of all problems?

GOD : Problems are holdbacks to boost your mentality. Power from your inner self comes from struggles and holdbacks, not from relaxing.

ME : Frankly I do not know where to walk through in facing these problems.

GOD : If you see outside, you will not know where to go. See inside. If you see outside you will be dreaming. If you see inside you will realize. Eyes give you sight. Heart give you directions.

ME : Sometimes failure makes me suffering. What can I do?

GOD : Accomplishment is a measure created by other people. Satisfaction is a measure you create yourself. By knowing your destination you will feel more satisfied rather than knowing that you are walking. Work with a compass, let other people run on time.

ME : During difficult time, how can I still be motivated?

GOD : Always figure out how far you have walked, rather than how far still you have to walk. Always figure out what you have to thank for, do not figure out what you did not catch.

ME : What is the interesting one from human?

GOD : If they suffer, they ask, “ Why must me?”. If they are happy, they will not ask, “Why must me?”.

ME : Sometimes I ask, who am I, why am I here?

GOD : Do know search for who you are, but instead decide what you want to be. Stop searching for reasons why you are here. Create the purpose. Life is not a process of searching, but a process of creating.

ME : How can I get the best one in this life?

GOD : Face your past without any regrets. Hold on the present without doubt. Prepare for your future without any fears.

Me : Last question. I often feel my prayers not answered.

GOD : No unanswered prayer. The most likely answer is NO.

ME : Thanks GOD for this beautiful chat.

GOD : Ok. Be persistent on your faith and throw away your fears. Life is a mystery to be found out, not problems to be solved. Do believe in Me. Life is beautiful when you know how to live.

GOD has signed out.

Credit to Kaskus.com
to anyone post this, from anywhere/anyone he got, thanks so much ^^

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Settings Wizard

Ever heard of that?
I think most Nokia users know it well.
Unfortunately I do not :(
so I cannot write anything about that.
I just copy paste this article that tells me a fact that Indonesia is not that poor in technology.
Sorry the article is not in english.

Kendro Hendra
Pencipta Aplikasi Piranti Gerak

Kendro Hendra, pria kelahiran Palembang, 31 Desember 1955, orang Indonesia yang mampu menciptakan aplikasi peranti bergerak yang memungkinkan sebuah ponsel lebih bermakna dan bergaya. Sarjana Ilmu Komputer dari University of Manitoba, Kanada, ini telah mencipta puluhan aplikasi peranti lunak untuk membuat ponsel memiliki kelebihan.

Jika sulit membayangkan aplikasi peranti lunak, bayangkan seseorang yang menciptakan permainan (games) yang ditanamkan pada ponsel. Ponsel itu pun akan memiliki fitur lebih dibandingkan ponsel lainnya.

Apa yang Kendro ciptakan bukan sekadar dolanan, tetapi sebuah aplikasi yang memungkinkan ponsel memiliki tingkat keamanan tinggi, meski dicuri orang. Mungkin harga sebuah Nokia communicator sebagai devices "tidak seberapa" dibandingkan data-data yang tersimpan di dalamnya, entah teks, foto, atau video. Jika data rahasia turut lenyap seiring hilangnya ponsel, maka celakalah. Kendro menciptakan hal-hal kecil yang tidak banyak dipikirkan orang, tetapi bermanfaat bagi banyak orang.

"Salah satu peranti yang saya ciptakan untuk menyelamatkan data yang hilang itu bernama AirGuard, yang sudah ditanamkan di ponsel communicator Nokia. Saya bisa menghubungi pencuri telepon, meski dia sudah mengganti simcard-nya dengan nomor lain," kata Kendro saat ditemui di arena Nokia World 2007 di Amsterdam, Belanda, 5 Desember lalu. Sebagai mitra, Kendro yang membangun perusahaan InTouch itu hadir atas undangan Nokia.

InTouch adalah satu dari sedikit perusahaan komunikasi dan informasi Indonesia dengan reputasi internasional. Kantor pemasaran perusahaan yang didirikan tahun 1996 itu berada di Singapura. Di Indonesia, InTouch mempekerjakan sekitar 60 karyawan yang setiap hari berkutat menciptakan peranti lunak.

Lisensi peranti lunak yang memiliki kata depan "Air" selain AirGuard tersebut antara lain AirAlbum, AirFax, AirRadio, dan AirVouchers. Tetapi, aplikasi paling luas dan banyak digunakan adalah SettingsWizard dan S80-DataMover yang dilisensi Nokia secara global untuk dimasukkan dalam setiap ponsel Symbian S60 Nokia. Kini, temuan Kendro itu diterjemahkan ke dalam 127 bahasa.

SettingsWizard adalah peranti lunak yang ditanamkan di ponsel Nokia, di mana saat pemilik ponsel memasukkan simcard dari operator seluler mana pun, ponsel itu otomatis bisa men-setting sendiri, baik SMS, MMS, e-mail, maupun GPRS, sehingga tidak harus diketik ulang. Demikian juga S80-DataMover yang memungkinkan pemindahan data secara otomatis dari satu ponsel ke ponsel lain atau dari satu communicator ke communicator lain, juga tanpa harus mengetik ulang.

"Banyak orang enggak percaya bahwa itu aplikasi buatan orang Indonesia. Dengan aplikasi yang diterjemahkan ke dalam 127 bahasa, menunjukkan orang Indonesia punya kemampuan," kata Kendro yang mempekerjakan dua orang Singapura sebagai tenaga pemasaran global bagi produk-produk InTouch.

Membangun perusahaan

Dilahirkan di Palembang tahun 1955, Kendro yang kini lebih sering mukim di Singapura itu bukan orang kemarin sore yang serta-merta akrab dengan dunia informasi dan teknologi (IT). Bidang ini, khususnya sebagai pengembang aplikasi bergerak atau mobile application developer, sudah ia geluti saat kuliah jurusan ilmu komputer di Kanada selepas menamatkan sekolah menengah atas di tanah kelahirannya.

Seusai menyelesaikan masternya di Kanada, ia langsung kembali ke Indonesia tahun 1981. Sampai saat ini Kendro sudah berhasil menciptakan sekitar 30 peranti lunak yang semuanya khusus untuk aplikasi bergerak.

Pria yang menikahi Linda Widjaja, teman kuliahnya di Kanada, itu memulai usaha dengan mendirikan perusahaan InMac, yakni distributor Apple Macintosh. Pada awal 1990-an Kendro mulai terjun pada aplikasi bergerak setelah Apple mengeluarkan PDA (personal data assistant) pertama bernama Newton. Tahun 1996 Nokia mengeluarkan communicator 9000 pertamanya.

Nokia cabang Indonesia kemudian menawarinya kerja sama dalam hal peranti lunak apa saja yang bisa disuntikkan ke dalam communicator. Pada Februari 1999, saat Kendro ditawari kerja sama dengan Nokia Asia Pasifik, ia membangun perusahaan di Singapura karena wilayah operasinya regional, tetapi pengembangan tetap dilakukan di Indonesia.

Mengapa harus membuka kantor di Singapura?

"Jujur saja, Pemerintah Singapura memberikan insentif yang baik. Badan penanaman modal Singapura juga sangat mendukung dengan memberikan insentif, grand, tax holiday, dan subsidi lain yang sangat menguntungkan buat orang berusaha," kata Kendro.

Ditanya apakah banyak orang Indonesia yang berpikiran maju di bidang IT, ayah tiga anak ini tanpa ragu menjawab, "Banyak."

Kemampuan IT anak-anak muda Indonesia, kata Kendro, tidak kalah dengan orang-orang India. Hanya kalau bicara outsourcing IT itu, selalu merujuk ke Bangalore, India, salah satunya karena anak-anak muda India unggul dalam berbahasa Inggris. Karena itu, mereka lebih cepat menyerap ilmu dan tanggap terhadap tren baru.

"Selain menguasai bahasa programming, anak-anak muda Indonesia wajib menguasai bahasa Inggris. Punya bakat besar di bidang IT tetapi terkendala bahasa Inggris, kan sayang kalau larinya cuma jadi tukang hacker," tutur Kendro.

Pria berkacamata ini tidak berhenti mencipta peranti baru. Kini ia mengembangkan Mobile Reward Exchange (MORE) sebagai "mata uang baru" dalam berbisnis. Alat bayar baru dari kumpulan reward (bonus/diskon) beberapa perusahaan dapat ditukar dengan barang apa pun yang menjadi mitranya. Kelak, orang membayar burger dari reward pembelian buku di Toko Buku Gramedia, misalnya, hanya dengan menunjukkan jumlah reward kepada kasir cukup dari ponselnya. (Pepih Nugraha, Kompas 26 Desember 2007) ►ti


Nama:Kendro Hendra
Lahir:Palembang, 31 Desember 1955
Istri:Linda Widjaja
- Ghana Galindra (22), kuliah bisnis di Kanada
- Dhana Galibdra (21), kuliah ilmu komputer di Kanada
- Febrian Galindra (14), Sec2 (SMP2) di Singapura

- SD sampai SMA Xaverius, Palembang
- Drop-out Architecture pada tahun ke-3 di University of Manitoba, Kanada
- Sarjana ilmu komputer dari University of Manitoba, Kanada

- Founder & CEO Pusat Pendidikan Komputer
- Eastern Computer
- Apple Center
- InMac (distributor komputer Apple, Indonesia)
- InTouch Wireless Services
- PT MORE Indonesia

Credit : http://www.tokohindonesia.com/ensiklopedi/k/kendro-hendra/index.shtml
and for the one who post a topic about this on kaskus.com

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Song I often listen to when I sometimes feel lonely seeing no friends beside me, hopeless seeing my grades, stressful, depressed seeing the failures I have made, failed for being a good child or good friend, etc etc

Why am I crying?
Why am I lost?
Why did I stop?
Please tell me
When will I grow up?
How long can I stay a child?
Where have I come running from?
Where am I running to?

I had no place to live. I couldn't find one.
I don't know if I could have any hope for the future.

They always said I was a strong child.
They praised me, saying "you must be strong to not cry."
I didn't want those words at all.
So I pretended not to understand.

Why are you laughing?
Why are you by my side?
Why are you leaving me?
Please tell me.
When did you become strong?
Since when have you felt weakness?
How long must you wait
for the day you understand to come?

The sun is rising. I must go soon.
I can't stay in the same place forever.

You will someday be betrayed by your trust in people.
I thought it was the same as being rejected.
At the time I didn't have that kind of strength.
I definitely knew too much.

They always said I was a strong child.
They praised me, saying "you must be strong not to cry."
The more people said things like that,
the more even laughing became agony.

I was born alone. I'll go on living alone.
I thought that surely that kind of life is appropriate.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

22 BoA

In her 22rd birthday, today, I just want to create a short post about her 8 years career =D

After being discovered at the age of 11 and 2 years of FULL training, BoA Kwon (Kwon BoA or 보아 집) made her debut in 2000 in South Korea. From the first moderate successful album in South Korea, she has now turned into one of the most recognized female singer in Asia. During 8 years of career until now, she has released :

5 Korean albums (4 of which went to #1),

3 Korean mini-albums,

6 Japanese albums (all went to #1 making her one of the only 2 female singers in history to top the album chart in Japan for 6 consecutive times),

2 Japanese compilation albums and

2 Japanese remix albums in addition to

more than 30 singles.

14 years old BoA

2000 August (Debut) - ID Peace B

2001 Jumping into the World

2002 No 1, Listen to My Heart, Miracle

2003 Valenti, Atlantis Princess, Shine We Are

2004 Love&Honesty, My Name

2005 Best of Soul, Girls on Top

2006 Outgrow

2007 Made in Twenty

2008 The Face

In the age of just 22 today, she already has recorded around 250 songs in Japanese, Korean, English, and a few in Chinese, plus being an 8 year veteran singer and maintaining her status as 'diva' in Korean, like the people called her so.

Featuring Westlife in "Flying Without Wings"

got "Most Influential Asian Artist" at MTV Asia Award 2004

with Avril Lavigne at the "Over The Hedge" premiere on May 21, 2007

receiving "Young Contemporary Artist Award" from the Ministry Culture and Tourism, October 2007

AnyBand concert in late 2007


In regard of her success in both South Korea and Japan, I always considered her as a very unique person since she already got her peak of career even before reached the age of 17. While other teenagers are still struggling to do homework or preparing for exams, she can record 3 albums in one year (each 3 in 2002 and 2003) which turned into million copies. Being too busy, she even refused to play as the main role in popular TV serial Princess Hours ‘Goong’ (and finally the main role was given to Yoon Eun Hye).

And finally what will happen happened soon. In December 2007, she stated that she no longer enjoys working and prefer study overseas (I heard she plan to America). At that time Korean fans were longing so much for her new Korean album as she had not released any for 2 years (and 3 years till now), all hope for her comeback. Most agreed as her career in Japan was declining (and even worse this year) and I agreed if she either took a break to study or made a comeback to Korea first. But surprisingly this year she said that she wished to be a world renowned singer in Europe and America.
And soon her record label announced her debut schedule in U.S. Well, I can just wish her all the best for her career. Since she already got all in her teens age, I hope she still has a great motivation to be better.

2008 October US Debut "Eat You Up"