Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lovely Wednesday

I am just stucked in a particular part while studying for quizzes tomorrow and willing to write some things. I always love the way I arranged my schedule this semester. It is like a very nice personal arrangement for myself such that Monday is a normal day for starting a week (from weekend), tuesday and thursday is a very very busy from the morning till evening whereas Wednesday in between is fully free for me. I can do either tutorials or assignments in wednesday since most my tutorials in thursday and friday. Then finally since Friday has usually many events at night, I only had a class till afternoon.

Tomorrow will be a very lousy day that there are 2 quizzes plus i cannot do tomorrow's microP tutorial. I am waiting so much for the end of tomorrow where Friday is always a relaxing day before a very very busy 'recess' next week.

Although I studied already for quizzes tomorrow the whole day but I still get confused in some parts :( . I'm going for it again now.

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