I am now lazy to do tutorials or assignments although I know I have no enough time anymore. Then I'm browsing and find this nice article. I cannot give credit or any copyright to one who posted it because I know that he copied this article from someone else. It's a long article and very nice to read, however I just put it in a box like that and it will cause the article to have no paragraphs. In the end it has two purposes: to encourage you to appreciate the 'limited' time given to you every day in your life and given that time, and share some your 'limited' time for your friends, so it's about time and friendship. Once you think, you will notice that it's a too common article, but if you understand Bahasa it's good to read the article for a while and will not cost you even 5 minutes to read ^^
I take some great parts with either additions or changes based on my own opinions. =D
In this crowded world (you can imagine how many people you see each day), there are still many people feel lonely, even there's a business purpose to rent a friend. By USD 20 per hour, you can get a 'friend' who can listen to your opinion, expressions, or anything you want to get rid of. And that's all. ONLY for that purpose.
You may not believe it as the first I read it, but it's true when you stop thinking of yourself and start to think far away from your life. A very simple but nice example, AIDS people. I don't know a lot about people in another countries, but in my home country, the AIDS people can really have nobody. If they are lucky, they will have families or dozens of friends to spend time with. But if not, there are cases where they really live alone in the world of more than 6 billion people. Maybe AIDS is a too complicated example, just see the beggars. In developing countries you can find them anywhere, then see how no one even look at them. Ya of course not always, but you cannot deny that there are such cases.
Now think yourself whether you sometimes 'rent' yourself to your friend. Sometimes you will find a friend and spend your time when you need him but you also often say, Sorry, I have no time. Hey it's a common thing and sometimes I agree that we do it with our friends, who are not close to us at all, if we need them of course we will find them, but if not, it's not possible also for us to always say hello to them and chat about everything. Ya I understand what it means, that you should spend your time with your friends, but I suggest a different opinions: why sometimes you cannot ASK your friends to rent themselves for you.
It is so common to see someone with so many friends in his life but still feel so lonely. If you are in a new society and from the beginning never feel comfortable with it, then it can be understood why you don't 'want' them. But when you find your friend who is always happy among his friends and suddenly feel lonely, then stressful, don't want to eat, spend time crying every night, I always think that he or she is really in a serious problem, or, he does not want to ask his friends for a rent. If you are in a problem, then you don't ask for rent, means that you say nothing, tell nothing, ignore your friends, then NEVER hope that all your friends will come to you to ask WHY?. If you hope that, then you will harm your friendships. If they don't ask anything, then you will one day hate him. Remember that every one have limited time per day and you cannot wish even your closest friend come to you every time. He also has to 'rent' himself to another friends or another matters.
If you need some time to be alone, then just be lonely in a room, no need to INVOLVE other people. If you already want a friend to talk with, immediately ask them for a rent. Of course in this case, there will always no price for a rent (don't find a friend who ask for a price for this 'rent' haha). However now the case is so strange. While there are many people with no friend at all, there are also many people with many friends but don't want to rent any of his friends. I often find some of my friends with problems in themselves, say nothing, then suddenly don't want to say to somebody because of NO REASON, or suddenly be angry without no reason. By doing that, your friends may want to solve your problem, but it is likely you will put a new problem to your friends and yourself.
Now I just want to continue the article, says that..
Suppose you get USD 86,400 everyday to be spent ALL since you cannot put it in a bank or save it anywhere, then of course you will use it as well as possible, or it is possible that you will give it too needed people, compared the case if you missed the money.
Now let's suppose the money is time, you have 86400 seconds per day to be spent. It is the same thing, you cannot ask more than that amount, that amount cannot be less, and you also cannot save that time for anytime else in the future.
To know the value of:
one year, ask a student who failed the exam
one month, ask a mother whose baby is premature
one week, ask an editor of a weekly magazine
one hour, ask someone who is waiting for his beloved one
one minute, ask someone who is late for his flight
one second, ask someone who just got an accident because of a fault in only one second.
From that article you can simply find the meaning and although it's simple but can be useful, just read the article if you have time!! :)
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